Are credit card companies insane?

So I just finished doing my taxes for the year and I went outside to my car to get a stamp for the envelope. On my way back inside I checked the mail to see if there is anything cool for me. Well there wasn't but there was a credit card application. I never look at them because I get about 5000 a year and I dont want/need a credit in my life. I have my Guitar Center card : ) and that is all I need.

But I decided to check this one over and see what they have to say. Well first off they want to give me a Chase Manhatten Bank Platnum Visa with a $100,000 limit. An amount like that can be summed with one easy movement, my jaw crashing to the floor. Ontop of the limit they are gonna put a 1.99% APR on it and no annual fees.

Do these know who I am? I love to buy things, spend money, but I am no fool. Credit is a dangerous game my friends and if you just stumble into it like a kid in a candy store you are bound to get your ass reemed. That is just insane. $100,000. Do you know what I could do with 100K. A lot but I am not gonna do a single thing because I cannot afford 100K. Credit Card companies. Invented to rape the naive college student.


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