Stigmata and the fun of the catholic church

So I just watched Stigmata and I gotta say the fact that the catholic church doesn't recognize certain gospels is BS. While I guess I can understand the fact if you just recognize everything you come along you could be getting a whole lot of bogus stuff but I mean shouldn't they atleast put these Gospels out for the public to make their opinion?

That movie on the other hand was pretty... ok. They needed to kick out the love story and just go with the dogmatic shit. I know, I know, religion wont sell in Hollywood but come on you're doing a movie with an Arquette, is that gonna sell? So kick that love shit out and just run with the wierdness. Hell, The Exorcist didn't have any love shit besides a priest who loved his mom. Whatever. See that flick and make your own opinion.

On a semi-related note, I went to church for the first time in three months tonight. Never been to this church, so as my mom likes to say "make a wish." The priest was a native of ireland and he had a cool accent and he talked about St. Patrick. I think he was making it up as he went though because he he retread the same ground over and over. Whatever ya know, it's a late mass on a Sunday, full of kids. Alright, time to dash and enjoy my new guitar (Fender 62 reissue) and my new amp (Mesa Boogie F50 50W head) while watching Dennis Miller (on CNBC, not HBO or monday night football.)

I hope you enjoyed the first update in THREE MONTHS!!!!!!!!!


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