My Movie Weekend
Now before anyone thinks I am super lazy please know that I ran in an organized 5k race on Saturday morning, spent an hour at the DSM Farmers' Market, biked 22 miles, and hung out with a lot of people this weekend. Also, if Marieta didn't have to spend all of her free time on her Master's classes I would probably have only seen one or two of these films but since she is tied to a desk studying... I have a lot free time. So here is how useless I was this weekend. Friday 1. The Spirit - Scarlot Johannson is the worst actress of all time and her looks are HIGHLY overrated. The film was baaaaaaaad, but fun in its badness. Not so bad it was unwatchable. Saturday 2. The Last Airbender - M. Night is done for. Everything he left his mark on in this thing (the acting, the plot, the voiceover) was absolutely terrible. That being said I hope they make the sequels because I dig the mythology and I have never watched/read anything Airbender related. Ditch almost all of the a...